Hidden in the Dajiahan tribe, “Bihe Pond” is a private mystery realm in Wanrong Township. The Pond used to be land. The head of the Dajiahan tribe, Bihewalisi, donated the ground, leading people to dig the land and make a dam. Yet, the dam was damaged for many years. Later, Bihewalisi’s oldest son renovated the dam and introduced water into the Pond, naming it “Bihe Pond.”The Catholic Church of the Tribe features color-painted biblical stories and portraits of the Truku people on the walls. Constructed with bamboo, the interior of the Church is tidy and solemn. Amid Bihe Pond, behind the Church is a floating island with a solemn statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The white figure resonates with the green mountains and water, rendering it a memorable scene in the pond.Cherry blossoms and lilies grow by the Bihe Pond. In the blooming season, the place is adorned with all kinds of colors. Also, facilities such as the lake trail and pavilion have been constructed here. The trail represents the torture Jesus underwent when he was fixed to his cross. Starting with the board telling the beginning story of Jesus being sentenced to death, the “Stations of the Cross” has 14 boards in total, precisely constituting a lap around the Pond.