After Taiwan’s Recovery, settlers from the west gradually migrated to Fuli Township, and the total population exceeded 26,000 people by 1967, wh...
Located in southern Hualien County, in the mid-section of the East Rift Valley, Yuli is a rustic small town where four ethnic groups co-exist in harmo...
Zhuoxi Township is situated in southwestern Hualien County, Taiwan, and it is one of the three mountain indigenous villages in the county. With the Tr...
Ruisui Township can be found in central south Hualien County, Taiwan, where the Tropic of Cancer passes through its territories. Formerly known as Shu...
Fengbin Township is the most traditional cultural village of the Amis people, and it was registered as a cultural heritage of Hualien County in 2014. ...
Guangfu Township’s former name was Fataan. Since every household in the township used to grow pigeon peas, hence it was also referred to as the ...
The Amis people referred to the area as Marimu, meaning upslope. Previously, this was a densely wooded area featuring a spiraling plant called magnoli...
Wanrong Township is one of the three mountain indigenous villages in Hualien County (the other two being Xiulin Township and Zhuoxi Township). Located...
Shoufeng Township was known as Shouyi Farm during the Japanese occupation period; since it is located at the end of the Liyu Mountain, it is also call...
Jian Township is located on prime real estate in northern Hualien County, offering the convenience of living and a unique landscape consisting of pict...
Xincheng Township is the hometown of the mambo (ocean sunfish), and the word mambo also refers to a form of Latin swing dance that symbolizes openness...
Xiulin Township has a population of 15,000-plus, of which more than 90% are Truku people, and Han people are the ethnic minority in the township. Hunt...
During the Rule of the Qing Dynasty over Taiwan, the government adopted a lockdown policy, hence very few Han people entered Hualien to engage in land...